Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Approaching the end

We are approaching the end of our time here in Raleigh. Only one week left til the movers come to take it all away. Last weekend was my Birthday and Father's day for Kevin. Kevin's Father's day present was 4 days of an empty house and mine was a trip to the beach with plenty of baby holders and lots of wonderful gifts, including spending money for Charlotte's (one of my favorite stores here in Raleigh) and a new purse from my husband.
On the house front we have windows, a roof and interior stairs.
It's coming along so quickly. In the meantime I have continued my hunt for items for the new house I'd like to have as much as possible done before Tuesday so I don't have to worry about moving it myself. So if anyone knows a great place for 6 x9 rugs let me know!

Friday, June 10, 2011

And so it begins...

Well, for everyone who's been living under a rock. It's official. We are moving to Belmont. Our house in Raleigh finally sold and we are building a house in Belmont.
I'm starting this so everyone can keep up with the move instead of me send emails and texts and bad phone descriptions.
We have already broken ground and the building has begun. This picture is where we are as of today. Looks like we won't be living in no man's land for long.