Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tornado Alley

Sunday after my parents came up we were once again running from tornados luckily other than a warning nothing much happened. However; when Trip heard the word tornado he immeadiatly took cover.

The mess that is my kids

One of our must haves for this new house was a playroom. After having toys in every room of our last house we were not going to build a new house only to have toys everywhere. I am well awaare that there are differnt schools of thought on this subject but our design style is not toddler influenced, thus the playroom.
This is how it began

Then we moved in and in a course of about an hour the kids had all of their toys out and it looked like this

So it immediately became apparent that we needed storage for all this so I hit the Walmart and started shopping. And returned with boxes and shelves and buckets.
So I lined up the boxes
And started sorting

Sometimes the mess looks worse before it looks better

Then I built these shelves. Which totally gave me flash backs to Clemson Place.

And loaded them up

Then in the brown toy box I put all the giant baby toys that they no longer play with but are to expensive to throw out but we a keeping with the plan to have one more at some point, (this is a theme carried out through out the house.)
The pink is dress up clothes and is super light so I can get it out when Caroline wants it but other wise its not taking up any playspace.

Now that the room was cleared out I had room to build the "more attractive" shelves.

And then loaded everything back in.

The glider has since met it's fate in the name of Craigslist. But in it's place we found the kids guitar and piano. The red baskets were under Trip's crib in the last house. And the yellow buckets on top of the shelves I got in the garden center for $0.50 a piece and hold the kids art supplies.

Big Boy beds

One of the big milestones that happened a midst this move was the kids moved out of their cribs into big kid beds. When Trip was born friends of ours gave us their crib for him, this crib however was not a convertible crib like Caroline's so we had to get a bigger bed for Trip.
Enter my parent's to save the day!!! We managed to liquidate the bunk beds that all three of us slept on as children (with mattresses) from my parents.

They look great. We opted to make them twin beds instead of bunks because the kids have a playroom and this way I didn't have to worry about unsupervised babies climbing in the middle of the night.

We have moved.I

I'm a little late on this but I've been in unpacking hell for the past to weeks. But we have moved. It took 3 days (day one the townhouse, day 2 the movers, day 3 the Bierie's). But we are here and almost unpacked.

I can see the light

One of the things that became apparent to Kevin and I early on was how ugly the contractor grade fixtures were. We actaully have 2 ceiling lights in our foyer that don't match. Drives me nuts. So I've been hunting for fixtures and came across what might be one of the best deals we;ve found so far.

Price Tag $30.
Originally we thought to put it in the dining room but now we think its going to go in the kitchen. We'll see.