Thursday, January 12, 2012

Playing catch up

Well with the holiday sadly I've fallen be hind on keeping this up by I'm working on getting everything up to date. So look for post overload on the way. Especially now that I got a new camera for Christmas! The biggest new thing in our house (parents with kids will get why this is so big) is Trip is potty training. YAY!! That's right we are on our way (hopefully soon) to being completely diaper free. You you people with out kids we are talking about a $50 - $75 a month savings. Here's where I dream about the shoes I would by with the money but really will probably go towards the massive amount of groceries we buy each week. The funniest story to come out of this is as follows. For the past 3 years I have been hording doctor check up stickers like a maniac and yesterday we ran out. This is a big deal. Upon seeing the kids you can immeadiatly tell how many bathroom visits they've had because they are like walking billboards of stickers. They are crazy for stickers like an addict on The Wire the won't use the bathroom without a sticker. So desperate times call for desperate measures. The postal service had sent us a few Holiday shipper stickers and I hadn't thrown them out yet (yay for procrastination) well I told a great story and now they love them, that and the skittles I used to smooth the whole situation over.
Yep that's a postal sticker front and center. Caroline however has decided she is too old to be wearing stickers so she has me wear them for here. Sometimes I forget about them before I leave the house which makes for some odd looks while running errands. Hope everyone's new year is off to a great start!

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