Thursday, February 23, 2012

Happy Lent

Growing up Catholic, Lent has always been this looming thing of what am I going to give up. I'll tell you it's a big topic of conversation particularly with other Catholics. As a child I frequently tried to give up ice cream but for a number of years would visit my grandparent for spring break where my grandmother would often feed us ice cream as a meal. In my adult years it wasn't as hard to give something up, which made the suffering through lent less part of the deal. Then I got pregnant and was pregnant through lent and then nursing so I was once again kinds of exempt. This year I have no excuse. I'm bathing regularly and brushing teeth daily so I can give something up. This year I have 2 things I'm doing for Lent which are part of my overall New Years Resolution. My New Years Resolution was to live more simply and to live with less. When you spend a year living out of suitcases and boxes and move 3 times you really learn how much stuff you have you don't need. With that being said my to Lenten goals are Project 333 (which my sister is also attempting; maybe I'll get her to update me on her progress) you can see more about this here . And also I would like to get rid of 25% of the stuff out of our closets. This one I think will be harder but basically its to force me to actively organize our cabinets and closets, starting with my stuff. This is well timed because it is consignment sale season so maybe we can make a little $$$ on the side to help fund the kids and my wardrobe budget. Hope everyone enjoys their Ash Wednesday and has there Lenten goals in order cause today is the day!

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